WimpSim data files

Note: The results below are old. New results are available here. You should not really use these old results as there have been bug fixed and improvements since these were generated.

For our publication (M. Blennow, J. Edsjö and T. Ohlsson, [arXiv: 0709.3898]), we ran WimpAnn and WimpEvent for 2.5 million events for 18 different masses from 10 GeV to 10 TeV and for several different annihilation channels. We did this for 7 differens oscillation parameter scenarios. For the actual detector, we focused on IceCube at the South Pole, even if the results would not change significantly for any other detector.

The different oscillation scenarios (A-G) are described here. If you don't want to gory details, scenario A is without oscillations and scenario B is the standard oscillation parameter scenario. All the other scenarios are versions with inverted hieararchy and/or non-zero theta_13. Hence, if you only want the best estimate of the oscillation effects, use scenario B.

The data files below can be used to e.g. read in the results into a computer programme. Note that the next release of DarkSUSY will contain routines to do exactly this.

Oscillation scenario WimpAnn result files
At creation, R_sun and at 1 AU

WimpEvent result files
at the detector

A - no oscillations wa-res-a-data.tar.gz we-res-a-data.tar.gz

B - standard oscillations

wa-res-b-data.tar.gz we-res-b-data.tar.gz
C - inverted hieararchy wa-res-c-data.tar.gz we-res-c-data.tar.gz
D - standard but with theta_13 = 10° wa-res-d-data.tar.gz we-res-d-data.tar.gz
E - inverted hieararchy with theta_13 = 10° wa-res-e-data.tar.gz we-res-e-data.tar.gz
F - standard but with theta_13 = 5° wa-res-f-data.tar.gz we-res-f-data.tar.gz
G - inverted hieararchy with theta_13 = 5° wa-res-g-data.tar.gz we-res-g-data.tar.gz


Description of the WimpAnn data files

The wimpann data files contain the yields for all the neutrino flavours at creation in the Sun, at R_sun and at 1 AU. They also contain the results at creation in the Earth. For each mass and annihilation channel, there exists two summary files, one for the Sun and one for the Earth. E.g., for 250 GeV neutralinos annihilating to tau+ tau-, we have the two files wa-m250-ch4-earth-sum.dat and wa-m250-ch4-sun-sum.dat. Each of these files contains a header stating information about the run (like versions of programs used, oscillation parameters and date). For the Earth and the Sun, the information below the header is described below.

WimpAnn data files - Earth

After the header, the earth summary files contains six lines, with 200 numbers each. These numbers are the differential yield, dN/dz in 200 bins at z=0.0025, 0.0075, ..., 0.9975. z is the neutrino energy fraction in units of the WIMP mass, z=E_nu/m_WIMP. The six lines are for the six different (anti)neutrino flavours 1-6, given in Table 1.

Neutrino index Neutrino
1 nu_e
2 nu_e-bar


4 nu_mu-bar
5 nu_tau
6 nu_tau-bar

Table 1. Neutrino indices and their meaning.

WimpAnn data files - Sun

For the Sun, the summary files contain roughly the same information, but now we have neutrinos sampled at different locations. Hence, there are now 30 lines after the header. Each one contains the differential neutrino yield dN/dz in 200 bins z=0.0025, 0.0075, ..., 0.9975 as before. The meaning of the different lines are

Note that the yields given above are proejcted out on flavour eigenstates. In reality though, we keep all the amplitudes and phases, so the yields above are mainly given for illustrative purposes.


Description of the WimpEvent data files

These result files are based on runs of WimpEvent on the event files (not given for download as they are too big) created by the WimpAnn runs. These files contain contain results for a specific detector where we have chosen to focus on IceCube at the South Pole. In practice though, the oscillation effects for the passage through the Earth are not very important and the actual detector location chosen is not of big importance.

For each mass and annihilation channel, there are now a number of different result files, depending on what kind of process that are of interest. In addition, there are 1D files that are differential in energy only and 2D files that are differential in both energy and angle. The general layout of a 1D file is that it contains a header explaining the run info (as for the WimpAnn files) and then follows 6 lines that give dN/dz in 100 bins z=0.005, 0.015, ..., 0.995. However, the yields are now not only for neutrinos, but also for the corresponding charged leptons and hadronic showers (see more info below) that are created at the neutrino-nucleon interaction. The 2D files contain 50 lines for each neutrino (or charged lepton or hadronic shower) type. Each line is for one of 50 bins in z=0.01, 0.03, ..., 0.99. Each line contains 91 values corresponding to d^2N/dz dtheta, where theta is binned in 91 bins from 0 to 30° and the meaning of theta is the angle from the center of the Sun or the center of the Earth. The theta bins are as follows

Furthermore, both the 1D files and the 2D files are available both for the differential yield (as outlined above), but also for the integrated yield up to a given theta and above a given energy. For the integrated yields, the lower limit of each energy bin and the upper limit of each theta bin are used, otherwise, the bin numbering is the same as above.

So, this is how the results look like for a given process. The different processes that are summarized in these kind of files are

For each of these processes there are 8 different files (Earth/Sun, 1D/2D, differential or integrated). The naming convention of the files are that they are called:


where [mass] is the mass in GeV, channel is the number of the annihilation channel, [where] is ea or su for the Earth/Sun, [dimension] is 1D or 1D, [diff/int] is diff or int for differential or integrated yields respectively and [process] is the process number given above. For example, the differential 1D file for annihilation of 250 GeV WIMPs in the Earth to tau+ tau- (channel 4) is for process 2 called


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