WimpSim Oscillation Scenarios

The new results as of January 2013 are run with the oscillation parameters of PDG 2012:

Oscillation scenario

theta_12 (°)

theta_13 (°)

theta_23 (°) delta delta m^2_21 (eV^2) delta m^2_31 (eV^2)
PDG 2012 33.58 9.12 40.40 0.0 7.58e-5




Old stuff below. The information below is slightly obsolete, but is kept for the moment for those interested.

We have earlier run WimpAnn and WimpEvent with 7 differens oscillation parameter scenarios.

The different oscillation scenarios (A-G) are described below. If you don't want to gory details, scenario A is without oscillations and scenario B is the standard oscillation parameter scenario. All the other scenarios are versions with inverted hieararchy and/or non-zero theta_13. Hence, if you only want the best estimate of the oscillation effects, use scenario B.

Anyway, the oscillation scenarios have the following oscillation parameters (see [arXiv: 0709.3898] for the definition of the parameters).


Oscillation scenario

theta_12 (°)

theta_13 (°)

theta_23 (°) delta delta m^2_21 (eV^2) delta m^2_31 (eV^2)
A - no oscillations 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1e-5 *

2.2e-3 *

B - standard oscillations

33.2 0.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


C - inverted hieararchy 33.2 0.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


D - standard but with theta_13 = 10° 33.2 10.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


E - inverted hieararchy with theta_13 = 10° 33.2 10.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


F - standard but with theta_13 = 5° 33.2 5.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


G - inverted hieararchy with theta_13 = 5° 33.2 5.0 45.0 0.0 8.1e-5


*) Note that the mass squared differences have no meaning when all mixing angles are zero. We do need to enter some value though as that is needed for the formalism.

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