WimpSim Results

The results below are run with WimpSim 3.03 and nusigma 1.17 (or rather pre-releases of the codes equivalent in physics) in January 2013. If you for some reason want to look at the results referred to in our publication (M. Blennow, J. Edsjö and T. Ohlsson, arXiv: 0709.3898), click here. You should not really use those old results though as they are obsolete and bugs have been fixed since then and various improvements have been added.

In the results below I have run WimpAnn and WimpEvent for 10 million events for 22 different masses from 3 GeV to 10 TeV and for 13 different annihilation channels. I have run this for the PDG 2012 best fit oscillation parameters (see header of files for details). For the actual detector, I focused on IceCube at the South Pole, even if the results would not change significantly for any other detector.

The results are available here both as figures and as computer-readable data tables.


Figures for the WimpSim runs of January 2013 are found here.

Data files

If you want to use these results by a computer programme, it might be more suitable to use the data files summarizing the results. These are available here.

Note that in the next release of the DarkSUSY code, we will include these tables and routines to read and interpolate between these data. That code will also include annihilation channels like Higgs bosons that depend on masses that are particle physics model specific.

In case you have problems, send me an e-mail:
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