WimpSim figures

Here the results of our extensive simulations are shown as large collection of figures. We have run our simulations for 10 million events for 22 different masses from 3 GeV to 10 TeV and for several different annihilation channel. For the actual detector, we focused on IceCube at the South Pole, even if the results would not change significantly for any other detector.

In all the scnenarios below, the figures are available as a collection of neutrino and anti-neutrino yields at creation in the Sun, at R_sun, at 1AU and at the detector for the Sun as well as at creation and the detector for the Earth. The actual detector we assume is IceCube at the South Pole, but the results are not very sensitive at all to this assumption. We also give the yields of neutrino-nucleon interaction at the detector and the yield of hadronic showers and charged leptons resulting from the interaction. We also give the yield of muons at the detector (i.e. the flux).


Oscillation scenario WimpAnn figures
At creation, R_sun and at 1 AU

WimpEvent figures
at the detector

PDG 2012 wa-allplots-res-jan2013.pdf


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